
The SDC Steering Committee consists of nine members. Each has a three-year term. Three members roll off every year and three are elected. An incumbent may serve two terms, and then there is a required two-year wait before that person is eligible to run for the Steering Committee again. Elections are held in the summer, at least 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting. A term of office begins with the Annual Meeting. Any person who is the principal contact at a lead or a coordinating agency is eligible to run for the Steering Committee.

Who is Eligible?

All representatives from lead and coordinating agencies are invited to stand for office. Please notice that the current Steering Committee has membership from large and small states; north, east, south, and west; men and women, leads and coordinating agencies.

Candidates are usually self-nominated. In fact, it is hard to remember if any candidate has ever been nominated by somebody else. If you want to be on the Steering Committee, stand up and say so! Nominations will be accepted beginning in July through early August (check your listserve messages for details).

The election will be handled electronically on a website set up by the Missouri State Data Center. Lead agencies are encouraged to get consensus from their coordinating and affiliate agencies about who to vote for, because there is only ONE vote per state and outlying territory.